Quick facts about the Railroad Retirement Boards International Direct Deposit.
What you need to know?
- The IDD refers to International Direct Deposit.
- IDD is Safe and Secure
- IDD offers currency exchange
- Enrollment in IDD is simple and easy with form OF 1199-I
- Link to RRB website pertaining to International Direct Deposit.
“Secure and Hassle-Free: Railroad Retirement Board International Direct Deposit (IDD)”
Discover the safety and convenience of International Direct Deposit (IDD) for your Railroad Retirement benefits. Say goodbye to the risks associated with mailed checks and embrace the security that IDD provides.
Why IDD?
IDD ensures the safety of your benefits by eliminating the risks of check-related issues like loss, misrouting, or theft. Your funds are transferred securely, arriving encrypted at your local bank, giving you peace of mind.

Currency Flexibility:
International Direct Deposit goes a step further by depositing your money directly into your local bank in the local currency. If you’re in Canada with a U.S. dollar account, you can opt to receive your payment electronically in U.S. dollars – an exclusive option for Canadian beneficiaries.
Enroll with Ease:
To enroll in International Direct Deposit, simply complete the OF 1199-I enrollment form and mail it to the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board at 844 North Rush Street, Chicago, IL 60611. Ensure accuracy and a signature. If processed before the 15th, your new account starts receiving payments the following month.
Protect Your Benefits:
If currently using a stateside financial institution, don’t close the account until you confirm receipt at the new local bank. Closing it prematurely could cause delays, as benefits might be returned to the RRB.

Prompt Deposits:
With International Direct Deposit, enjoy timely deposits on your scheduled benefit day. If, for any reason, your benefit isn’t in your account within the first three business days of the month, promptly call the Railroad Retirement Board at (877) 772-5772 or contact your U.S. Embassy.
Secure Your Future:
International Direct Deposit ensures the safety, convenience, and timely arrival of your Railroad Retirement benefits. Make the switch today and experience hassle-free financial security.
List of countries that meet the Federal Reserve Bank’s eligibility requirement
Railroad retirement board international direct deposit benefit payments can be made to the following countries via International Direct Deposit:
Albania | Ghana | Palestine |
Algeria | Greece | Panama |
Andorra | Grenada | Papua – New Guinea |
Anguilla | Guatemala | Paraguay |
Antigua & Barbuda | Guyana | Peru |
Argentina | Haiti | Philippines |
Aruba | Honduras | Poland |
Australia | Hong Kong | Portugal |
Austria | Hungary | Qatar |
Bahama Islands | Iceland | Romania |
Bahrain | India | Russia |
Bangladesh | Indonesia | Saint Martin |
Barbados | Iraq | Samoa |
Belgium | Ireland | San Marino |
Belize | Israel | Saudi Arabia |
Bermuda | Italy | Senegal |
Bhutan | Jamaica | Serbia |
Bolivia | Japan | Sierra Leone |
Bonaire | Jordan | Singapore |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Kenya | Sint Maarten |
Brazil | Laos | Slovak Republic |
British Virgin Islands | Latvia | Slovenia |
Brunei | Lebanon | Solomon Islands |
Bulgaria | Liberia | South Africa |
Cabo Verde | Lithuania | South Korea |
Cambodia | Luxembourg | Spain |
Cameroon | Macao | Sri Lanka |
Canada | Macedonia | St. Kitts and Nevis |
Cayman Islands | Malawi | St. Lucia |
Chile | Malaysia | St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
China | Maldives | Sudan |
Colombia | Malta | Suriname |
Costa Rica | Marshall Islands | Sweden |
Croatia | Martinique | Switzerland |
Curacao | Mexico | Taiwan |
Cyprus | Micronesia | Tanzania |
Czech Republic | Moldova | Thailand |
Denmark | Monaco | Timor-Leste |
Dominica | Mongolia | Tonga |
Dominican Republic | Montenegro | Trinidad and Tobago |
Ecuador | Montserrat | Tunisia |
Egypt | Morocco | Turkey |
El Salvador | Myanmar | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Eritrea | Nauru | Uganda |
Estonia | Nepal | United Arab Emirates |
Ethiopia | Netherlands | United Kingdom |
Fiji Islands | New Caledonia | Uruguay |
Finland | New Zealand | Vanuatu |
France | Nicaragua | Vietnam |
French Polynesia | Nigeria | Yemen |
Gambia | Norway | Zimbabwe |
Georgia | Pakistan | |
Germany | Palau |